Intuition vs. Anxiety

The deeper I get into my meditation practice, the deeper my relationship with my intuition becomes. The subconscious understanding of what is and isn't meant for me seems so much more clear.

Anxiety and Fear FEEL so real. There are many instances in which I allowed my "gut-feeling" to dictate the way I moved through a situation. It can be hard to decipher the difference between pure intuition and fear. They both feel conclusive but the key difference is that intuition will guide you from a healthy, loving, and trusting place whereas fear will play into your insecurities and keep you small. It will prevent you from growing and trick you into complacent safety.

Having awareness around your insecurities and triggers (because we all have them) is one way I've learned to navigate life more easily. Now every time I have a gut-feeling, I ask myself "Is this truly intuition or is this fear?" The more I sit with what comes up, the more curious I become. The more curious I become, the more I learn about myself. THEN I can choose, with clarity, how to respond to what life or my mind throws my way.


Cape Town


Versions of Me